Elm Hill Behavioral Chart


A Bewildered Carrie Adams in her cell at Elm Hill Hospital.

Items on Elm Hill’s Behavioral Chart that Nurses had to Chart  

▥ Sleep ▥ Impulsive ▥ Dressed by staff
▥ Skin ▥ Irritable ▥ Fears food
▥ Meals ▥ Restless ▥ Afraid
▥ Medications ▥ Talkative ▥ Panicky
▥ Hydrotherapy ▥ Industrious ▥ Incontinence
▥ Occupational  Therapy ▥ Cheerful ▥ Suicidal
▥ Conversation ▥ Smile / Laugh ▥ Delusions
▥ Hallucinations ▥ Games ▥ Hallucinations
▥ Excreta Decorates ▥ Reading ▥ Entertainment
▥ Excreta Careless ▥ Quiet ▥ Occupation
▥ Exposed ▥ Disinterested ▥ Exercise
▥ Masturbated ▥ Brooding ▥ Baths
▥ Destructive ▥ Sad ▥ Packs
▥ Vulgar ▥ Anxious ▥ Sedative
▥ Idea Flight ▥ Bowel Movements ▥ Fed by spoon
▥ Creating ▥ Weeps ▥ Fed by tube
▥ Hoarding ▥ Picks/Rubs ▥ In bed
▥ Capricious ▥ Refuses to Speak ▥ Restraints
▥ Angry ▥ Eyes Closed
▥ Resistant ▥ Motionless

  Source:  Katharine Steele, Psychiatric Nursing, 1943, pp. 86-89.